The post is also in english below.
La verdad es una lastima y me da bronca. Esta prosperando el uso de resina para nuestras queridas miniaturas. Y me parece que va a resultar una farsa. Como con los CDs que se suponia que tenian mejor sonido, no se rallaban, etc. Y despues resulto que los long plays tenian mayor detalle sonoro, y las rayaduras en los CDs los hacian saltar. Ademas de que el ruido del LP era filtrado por nuestros cerebros pero el de los CDs no. Pero bueno, volvamos a la resina.
1- la ultima vez que nos reunimos a jugar, mientras mostraba la dama Elseph von draken se me cayo al suelo. Se hizo trizas. Trizas significa que la alabarda se partio en 4 pedazos y uno de ellos jamas aparecio (quizas quedo en algun zapato, o quien sabe donde). El plastico no hacia eso, y el metal solo se doblaba.
2- Tengo un par de miniaturas de studio mcvey, excelentes por cierto como el dragonazo antes mencionado, pero el material parece manteca! se rompe muy facilmente y hay que manipularlo como si fuera de arcilla, sin cocer.
apendice- la politica de pasar a este material de GW es llamativa. Mas rompible, mas caro, con la excusa de mejor detalle implicara seguramente mas ventas.
conclusion- El detalle que logra la resina, la verdad es asombroso. pero no me parece un material adecuado para poner en la mesa de juego. Es para la vitrina. Acaso habra un barniz para petrificarlo luego de pintar?
Que opinan?
To tell the truth, it is a pitty and it angers me. The use of resin for our miniatures is spreading. And I feel like it is going to be a bluff. Or a fake. Just like they made us believe compact disk would be the panacea, inmune to scratches, high quality, etc, and then we discovered that scratches made them skip tracks, that long plays were far more detailed in sound quality, and that the noise from the LPs could be neutralized by our brain, but that of the CDs not. But lets return to resin.
1- Last time I met at home with my coleagues to play, Elseph von draken fell to the floor while I was showing it to them. Only the halberd cracked into 4 pieces, whith one of them becaming lost who knows were. PLastic didn´t use to behabe this way. Metal used to bend.
2- I have a pair of studio mcvey figures, excelent as the above mentioned dragon, but the material seems to be butter! it breaks extremely easily and it has to be handed like unbaked clay!
Appendix- GW policy of changing to this material is surprising. More breakable, more expensive, and with better detail, a good excuse to make a lot of money.
Conclution: Resin can have an extremely fine detail but it doesn´t seem a good material for the tabletop. It is for the showcase. Is there any barnish to petrify the miniature after painting?
What is your opinion?
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